Wednesday, July 21, 2010

100% Electric Truck Starts Delivering

PepsiCo's first 100% Electric truck, delivering product on Monday July 19, 2010 in Brampton, ON

Jonathan McCaughey RSR, is pictured (with hand cart) and his DSL Gerrit Stam.

Frito Lay Canada, in collaboration with Transport Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation is the country's first consumer packaged goods manufacturer to introduce zero-emission electric vehicles into its delivery fleet.
• Six zero-emission electric vehicles will be added to the Frito Lay Canada delivery fleet – three in Brampton (ON), one in Ottawa (ON), one in Surrey (BC) and one in Laval (QC).
• Grant support was received from the Transport Canada Freight Technology Demonstration Fund and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Green Commercial Vehicle Program.
• The new electric vehicles are powered by 100% renewable electricity from the Brampton grid.


Friday, July 9, 2010

The Mystery of Venus' Double Vortex Secret

The Mystery of Venus' Double Vortex Secret

Well today I take a break from the practical side of inventing and try my hand at mental gymnastics… theoretical physics - astronomical quandries. I know, I know… you're asking why would I head out on such a thin limb? Well to be honest, I've actually been spending some time investigating vortex power in more depth to see if I can harness something there for a new energy producing widget. But through that reading I came across some articles describing a scientific mystery on Venus, and scientists' continued perplexity to that regard. The mystery in question? Venus appears to have double vortex structures on its north and south poles. Scientists cannot explain why this is... and I am hoping the explanation below answers that riddle correctly. If I am right, perhaps someone at NASA will follow up for me and verify it so everyone can know for sure. I personally, am not planning any inter-planetary travel in the near future to see for myself.

OK, so in order to explain this, I'd like to relate a few stories as background. Einstein once explained the vexing question of why tea leaves always congregate in the center of a tea cup instead of the outside edge. Reasoning would predict that they be thrown to the outside of the cup through centrifugal force.

I read recently about the double vortex mystery which, to my knowledge and for lack of finding any evidence to the contrary, remains a puzzle to this day. This intrigue has to do with the existence of a pair of double vortexes (vortices… how do you spell the plural of vortex anyway?) which appear on the north and south poles of the planet Venus. Scientists, it is reported, are still looking for clues that would reveal why there are two vortex structures (notice how I avoided making 'vortex' plural this time… cool eh?) at each pole instead of a single vortex. Well, my dear fellow physics philosophers… wonder no more as I, Energy4Power (alright, alright… a.k.a. Larry Vander Schaaf) attempt to postulate in the same fashion as Albert Einstein's tea leaf musing, the reason for the Venus double vortex.

First of all, let's review Einstein's explanation. In Einstein's postulation, he showed that due to friction between the inner surface of the tea cup and the liquid tea which was being stirred, a thin layer is set up… as if 'sticking' to the wall of the cup. This layer is called the Ekman layer and creates an effective ball bearing type reaction. The liquid that sticks to the inner tea cup moves more slowly than the rest of the fluid. Along that layer, the centrifugal force that pushes the tea outward is not as strong as the frictional forces holding the tea against the surface. That's where we see the ball bearing effect and the tea at the outer edge of the cup is able to travel faster than the tea near the middle. It also increases the pressure on the tea near the outside. With increased pressure, the tea is slightly more dense at the outside than it is in the middle of the cup and a flow begins similar to convection currents. The force of centrifugal pressure as well as the apparent lighter weight of the middle tea, makes the tea along the top get thrown to the outside while tea along the bottom of the cup is drawn to the middle to replace the tea being spun outward. Tea leaves themselves are too heavy to rise with the flow of tea moving upward in the middle, so they remain in the middle at the bottom.

So how does this relate to the double vortex issue on Venus' poles? Patience... I'll get there in a minute. First, there is something else at work on Venus which we need to consider. Venus' atmosphere is actually very similar to Earth's… well not specifically now anymore, but originally I mean. A long long time ago… Earth used to have a double mantle atmosphere. Today we see clear blue skies, or at least we see clearly to the bottom of the clouds on sun/cloud mixed days. Originally all that clear space used to be occupied by an inner mantle. This is also why rain did not used to exist… the moisture in the air was so dense that there was a continual mist permeating everything. This layer also provided an increased protection from sunlight's ultraviolet rays - a fact that creationists like to argue supports the validity of pre-Noah bible characters' multi-centennial life spans. Regardless of such spin off discussions, the original existence of a second or 'inner' atmospheric layer is accepted fact. (It's collapse of course coincides with the believed time of the great flood… but again I'm throwing gasoline on an already volatile rabbit trail which we cannot afford to follow today or this article will indeed become a book rather than a simple blog entry.)

Let's head back to Venus. The atmosphere on Venus still consists today of 2 layers. My postulate relies on this fact and it's similarity to the Ekman layer of a tea cup. Scientists have been keenly interested at the strange behavior of the prevailing winds on Venus and the fact that they consistently move around the entire globe at super hurricane speeds in the range of 400km/hr. One statistic I read claimed that the entire air mass of the planet only takes 4 days to circumvent it's entire surface.

I postulate that only the outer layer of the atmosphere is traveling at these speeds and that the inner mantle is actually much slower. This would then approximate very closely, along with the help of Venus' gravitational pull, the characteristics of the Ekman layer at a tea cup's inner surface. The question here though is which direction is everything flowing? Another noted observation of Venus' double vortex behavior is that there exists a cooler downdraft of air around the poles. Here we have the key to what is actually happening.

If we consider the tea cup analogy again, we notice the same pattern in a tea cup… but the problem with our Earth-centric thinking is that we have been expecting to see a vortex (let alone 2 of them) right side up. I say what we're actually looking at on Venus is a single huge vortex on each pole of Venus, but from space we are actually seeing the bottom of the vortex.

The real mechanics of it
Let's leave the double vortex question for just a moment and focus on the single inverted vortex concept a moment. In this structure, centrifugal force would send air outward as it travels up the cone of the vortex… or down the cone if it is inverted as is the case here. This sends air outward over the globe, freed from normal surface frictions that would interfere with it, by the lubricating effect of the inner mantle. The centrifugal force would also tend to throw the gases outward from the poles, along the hot top of the inner mantle, warming it as it goes. The air would eventually meet other gases moving in the same fashion but from the opposite pole, at the equator. Since the gases have increased in temperature during their travel, they would become less dense and I hypothesize we should see an updraft coming off the ground (or actually off the outer surface of the inner mantle). This would happen of course because that is where the circumference of its path of travel is greatest and therefore the centrifugal forces would also be greatest. The less dense gases would rise, they become subject to less gravity and therefore less pressure. Hmmm… we also saw less pressure in the center of a tea cup too… so I think we should be able to observe a pattern of air movement consistently traveling Northward and Southward from the equator along the outermost surface of the atmosphere. At the poles, the cooler air would be drawn down the center of the inverted vortex back toward the inner mantle, where the cycle would repeat.

Now about those pesky double vortex patterns we see. If my thinking is correct, then what we are actually looking at when we see the double vortex pattern is actually the underside of a larger vortex. The two vortex shapes we see are actually supporting 'ball bearing effect' mini cyclones that interact with both the constantly circling air from the planet, and the center pinnacle of the larger vortex itself. They are, in effect, simply counter currents which naturally react to their surrounding boundaries of fast moving air.

So what does this mean? How can we use this information? Ok you got me. However even though I do not have any practical invention yet hatching in my brain from today's thought experiments… what I can predict in addition to the northward flow tendency of air in the northern hemisphere and southward flow in the southern hemisphere, is the existence of a 'quiet zone' along the equator of Venus on the upper surface of the inner mantle. Since the equatorial flow of air is meeting both from the north and south, both slow currents are stopped in their longitudinal movement at that location and change to become an upward movement. This should create a slightly lower pressure in that area. Remember though the air is still traveling some 400km/hr in an east west direction so that doesn't stop but there should be the least turbulence in this equatorial region. My suggestion to NASA is that if they wish to enter the Venusian atmosphere, the equator would likely be the best choice to enter, and a sub-orbital trajectory would likely be most easily established along this triangular toroidal equatorial region. (Don't ever accuse me of not using enough adjectives!)

So there you have it. I have now solved the riddle of why Venus has two vortexeseses… shoot. Ummm let me re-phrase… I have now solved the riddle of the strange double vortex behavior on the poles of Venus! (YES… I love optional wording!)

So again, please comment and let me know your thoughts. Oh, and let me know if you're interested in having me to explain the strange behavior of the double slit experiment. I have a thought experiment which completely satisfies that anomaly too!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unlocking Your Brain with BrainKey!

Today I am choosing to shamelessly plug a promotion for self improvement technology. Do your train of thought ever de-rail? Ever wish you could remember things easier, or generate incredible ideas? Have you ever come home in the dark, parked the car, walked up to the door and walk in... only to find out you've just walked into your next door neighbor's house by mistake?

I have. (Yes, true story... though I knew it was different as soon as I saw the panelling on the walls inside. I answered the "who's there" question with "Sorry! Wrong house" and quickly closed the door behind me, dashed across the front lawn and slipped swiftly into MY house before anyone had a chance to see who the strange voice was.) But I've since changed my ways and worked on improving my mental capacity. To my great delight, I've discovered some wonderfully enjoyable technology that does the trick very well. It is the (are you ready for this?) KEY to unlocking the dormant power of your BRAIN! :-D

The technology employs musically tuned stimulus, targeted individually for each ear, (you must wear stereo headphones for this to work properly)to stimulate your brain's responses to perform functions it normally handles in completely different ways. This encourages the brain to develop new neural pathways as well as stimulating existing unused neural connections to refresh, and the result is greatly increased mental capacity, attention focus, as well as stronger memory retention and problem solving ability. I've also read testimonials atesting first hand the improvement for conditions such as ADHD and high functioning Autism.

Nicola Tesla was a verifiable genius, known to have memorized his parents' entire literary library, and did complex calculus in his head. With brain power like that, it's no wonder he accomplished so many thousand patents! Not only is Tesla my hero, in this particular arena he has also become a benchmark and a goal to which I may gauge my own progress.

Check the BrainKey Site out yourself. Read the promotional jargon, and then follow any of the links to get into the main portal where you'll find lots of different renditions and styles that employ this great technology.

Enjoy and enhance your brains, my BrainKey enthusiasts!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

High Volume Compressed Air From the Farm

I've been reading lately about vortex technology, inspired of course by Victor Schauberger, the Austrian forest ranger famous for his work with the flow behavior of water and how he managed it to float lumber out to mills from seemingly unreachable forest interiors. Victor's studies on the vortex have become the foundation of a whole branch of technology that seems to have gone unnoticed until recently.
My entry today gathers its inspiration from 3 sources. Of course I have to begin with my hero Nicola Tesla and his Tesla Turbine, but I am also employing a principle in use by Dyson's new air multiplier super fan that hit the markets late last year. The other muse of mine for today's entry is the Windhexe, a tornado in a can invented by a farmer named Frank Polifka, that can be used to seemingly disintegrate any material into micron sized powder. I suppose I should also mention the new design for wind turbines here as they also had a hand at inspiring my direction today,
but I must say the the idea simply started with them and I tend to think their principles are slightly more sophisticated than what I'm employing. I think Dyson's bladeless fan is a better example of the venturi principle I capture with today's idea.
So what is today's idea? I decided that I want to figure out a way to compress extremely high volumes of air. Oh, I almost forgot... part of the device will also employ Veljko Milkovic's two stage mechanical oscillator to help finalize the last stage of compression.

In a written summary, here's what I propose. First we start with a Tesla turbine to start moving the air. Around the outside lip of the turbine, we fit a flange that feeds the air leaving the turbine, outward and down in a way that also draws surrounding air with it. In order to guide the flow of the surrounding air, the Tesla turbine and it's fitted flange are placed inside a larger ring and this whole collection is then fed into a duct the same size as the surrounding guide ring.
That forms the first stage, but I want to set up 4 of these because we want to draw large volumes of air. So picture 4 of these turbine fans all connected to duct work feeding to a central point. We'll call that whole system the first stage input.

We then have an intermediate stage which will involve nothing more than some cam driven valves that direct the collection of ducts into either of 2 identical collector drums. That's all there is to the intermediate stage. For half a cycle the air flows into one drum, and for the other half of the cycle it feeds into the other.

The drums are what make up the 3rd stage. These drums are designed to be fed in a way that produces a cyclone inside them. There is no great purpose to the cyclone other than to help distract the energy of the compressed air away from the top and bottom of the drum, and onto its sides instead. The entire drum becomes a piston chamber then and during the fill portion of the cycle the bottom of the drum is closed. During the second phase, the feeding ducts close and the bottom opens. The top of the drum is composed entirely of a large piston which then slides down the drum, pushing the cyclone of air into a common storage tank. The other drum of course is exactly half a cycle out of phase with this one and works in reverse. When one drum is emptying, the other closes the bottom of its drum and opens the feeding ducts while lifting the piston back up to the top.
Driving the two large pistons is a large 2 stage mechanical oscillator which provides the power to raise and lower the extremely large weight of each piston.
Due to it's large size, the whole device will operate at a reasonably low rpm but with the drums made larger and the pistons weighing significantly on the air, the large air flow produced can be very significant. Remember, the drums are actually compressing air that is already slightly compressed.
If the drums are constructed from 45 gallon drums and the Tesla Turbines are feeding ducts that are roughly 1 foot in diameter, and with the oscillator working at 2 cycles per second, my initial guesstimate would be that this arrangement could produce roughly 1600 cubic feet of air per minute.
For the calculation, I figure 4 feeding ducts will effectively double the air pressure inside a drum, and with each drum containing 7 cubic feet uncompressed, that makes 14 ft3 per drum per cycle which is 28 ft3 per second. 28 ft3 X 60 seconds is 1680 ft3

That's a lot of air! What can you do with that much air? Well for one, although it is apparently highly inefficient, you could employ vortex tubes to provide your home with Air Conditioning in the summer, or Heat in the winter. You could also power your own personal Windhexe garbage disposal system

or even use vortex tubes to create a large temperature difference to power a Stirling motor and then use that to create your own electricity.

As Frank Polifka intended with his harnessed tornado, you could grind grain into flour and fix yourself a loaf of bread... it's kind of like Martha Stewart meets Albert Einstein.

So... what would you use that much compressed air for?